Leadership can be the best and worst job in the world.  Sometimes these feelings can come within minutes of each other.  Listen to me interview business leaders, coaches and authors from around the world to learn how others manage the Leadership Dilemma’s they face every day.

Is People, Planet & Profit An Achievable Goal?

Is People, Planet & Profit An Achievable Goal?

SUMMARY Is it possible to make the planet and your people the main focus if you want to have a profitable business? Paul Hargreaves CEO of Cotswold Fayre and author of The Fourth Bottom line believes it is possible.SHOW NOTES Many founders set out to make the world a...

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How Do I Change Someone’s Behaviour

How Do I Change Someone’s Behaviour

SUMMARY Business Leaders are always taught that asking great questions is the key to unlocking behavioural change. Yet Brian Glibkowski believes it is a Leaders answers that really make the difference. Tune in and find out why.SHOW NOTES Being a Leader in the past was...

Can I Run Another Zoom Team Meeting?

Can I Run Another Zoom Team Meeting?

SUMMARY Team meetings on Zoom can sap the life out of even the most motivated leader. Chris Grimes a motivational comedian, and communications coach will help you put some Zing back into your meetings. SHOW NOTES It is 8.57 am, you are about to launch another daily...



How to Create a Pecha Kucha Presentation that Rocks

How to Create a Pecha Kucha Presentation that Rocks

How to create a Pecha Kucha presentation that rocks. Public speaking fills so many people with dread. Sometimes, even standing up to present to your own team is an uncomfortable experience, let alone a Ted Talk or a stand-up routine. However, despite the fear, people...

The Art Of Balancing Learning With Performance

The Art Of Balancing Learning With Performance

When it comes to developing your people, finding a formula for success that delivers on the learning needs of the individual, as well as the performance needs of the company can be tricky. After recently attending the 20 year reunion from my summer job selling books...

Alex Moyle

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+44 (0)7790907826 | alex@alexmoyle.co.uk